To that end, I won’t play all 15 every week, but the goal is to focus on my top 2, then the rest of my top 5, and then slowly trickle time investment down the stack (the only time trickle down works!). In order to keep all my characters progressing throughout the season (and to avoid the mad-dash of catchup like I did this season), I’m going to try to take the 30-40 keys I might run in an average week and spread them better across my characters.

So what are the goals? Weekly, I’ve broken down my goals into two categories – rating-based and gear-based.

So I concocted a planning sheet that looks something like this…

My goal for this upcoming season is to spread my key runs more evenly, using a goal-focus to limit the number I do on any one character and instead spread them out over more characters. I run a lot of keys, and left to my own devices, I would just run a crazy number of keys on a single character. So I needed to make a plan, a structure to help me find the way to best optimize my time in-game for me. Now, my plan isn’t to play them all at once, mind you, but instead to attempt to focus on 3-5 at once, meeting big goals and crossing things off. So all of these consumables, why? Well, I wanted to prestock for all….fifteen characters to be played through M+. Firstly, I spent a good chunk of time the other night distributing consumables to all my characters, which resulted in an inventory that looked like….this: So with that in mind, I have prepared for the season in a few fun (and weird) ways. In my season 2 prep posts to date, I’ve discussed 3 big goals I have for my Mythic Plus play – two Keystone Hero characters (2,500 M+ rating), three additional Keystone Master characters beyond that (2,000 rating), and to play my alts more regularly, now that all of them have a reasonable level of current gear and can spin up to Season 2 ready very quickly. I’m going to write a really long post documenting the patch prep I have done for 10.1 in Dragonflight and the plans I have for pushing keys, the ways in which I’ve decided to pursue a much-more aggressive set of goals, and also randomly shoehorn in screenshots and short bios of all my characters at 70….all fifteen of them.